Centered in the city of Stormreach, DDO is set on the fictional continent of Xen'drik, in the world of Eberron, a Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting. Xen'drik is a vastly unexplored and wild locale, once the center of the Advanced Giant Civilization, which was destroyed thousands of years before. Players can create their characters following the revised edition of D&D 3.5 rule-set fashion, and play them in both indoor and outdoor environments, including dungeons.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
33 reviews found93
Da Gameboyz
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
Jan 1, 1970
It hits on almost every front. Present are the adventure elements of high fantasy, the mysterious magical elements of the war-torn world of Eberron, and the deep-rooted numerical elements. The original flavor of D&D; is definitely here, to the point of having a 20-sided die rolled every swing of your weapon.
Worth Playing
Jan 1, 1970
If you're looking for the kind of style a more traditional MMo offers, you'll not find it here. I, however, love D&D Online: Stormreach, and I have no qualms whatsoever recommending it to anyone who loves an entertaining action-RPG experience.
Pelit (Finland)
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
PC Zone UK
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
Cheat Code Central
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
PC Gamer UK
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
Game Informer
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.
PC Format
Jan 1, 1970
Summary and quote unavailable.