Set in the Pumpkin Kingdom which has lost its national treasure—the "Bluewater Willow," this brain-stimulating action-shooter follows Cotton, a witch with the biggest appetite in the universe, and Appli, the most tomboyish girl in the royal family. This is the fourth installment in the fantasy shooting game series featuring Cotton, one of SUCCESS's most popular characters. This masterpiece of the past is given new life using the specially-developed "Zebra Engine." The new features included such as game rewind, slow mode, and quick save greatly improve ease of play. Online rankings have also been added!
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2 reviews found80
Video Chums
Nov 6, 2021
Cotton 2 is much more than a sequel as its clever gameplay mechanics and striking visuals make it stand out as one unique shoot 'em up.Cotton 2 - Saturn Tribute gameplay video → Cotton Boomerang - Saturn Tribute Review Switch ★★★★☆ A year after Cotton 2 released, Cotton Boomerang came out which essentially took the established game and turned it on its ear. Just like how Cotton 100% is a console remix of the original arcade Cotton, Cotton Boomerang is an interpretation of Cotton 2 yet it changes its gameplay so much that it may as well be considered its own unique game.
Rice Digital
Nov 1, 2021
It’s perhaps questionable as to whether or not you really need to own both Cotton 2 and Cotton Boomerang, since they’re both variations on the same theme — but they’re perhaps best thought of as the alternate modes seen in other console shoot ’em ups we’ve seen in the past, only as separate releases. The Cotton equivalent of something like Dodonpachi Resurrection’s “Black Label” or “Arrange” modes, in other words. Back in the days when the Cotton series was only available through expensive imports of the Saturn versions, most people’s recommendation would probably be to go for Cotton Boomerang; while it’s a significantly tougher game than Cotton 2, it has a bit more variety and long-term interest with the various playable characters.