Taking place entirely aboard a massive futuristic aircraft, CONSORTIUM is a first person science-fiction role-playing experience unlike any other. The story begins in our world - the "real world" - where we here at Interdimensional Games have developed a satellite (iDGi-1) capable of opening a digital rift through time and space... Anyone with an internet connection can travel through this rift and awaken within an alternate dimension from our own - the "game world" - in the year 2042.
Game analysis
Monster Scorecard
Scorecard Coming Soon
We're still gathering data and reviews for this game. Once we have enough information, we'll provide a detailed scorecard breaking down all aspects of the game.
17 reviews found80
The Escapist
Jan 27, 2014
Consortium is an ingeniously subversive gem, containing enough backstory to fill a Triple-A trilogy while focusing exclusively on an airship crew in distress. The execution is a little clunky at times, but Consortium still has the charm and depth to encourage multiple playthroughs as we wait for the sequel. Recommendation: Buy it, play it, replay it.
Feb 6, 2014
Consortium is a really immersive role-playing experience that plays like an adventure game set in the early days of the Star Trek universe. It is similar to what a modern incarnation of the classic point-and-click adventures of old should be like, complete with diplomacy and multiple choices with different consequences and end results. The most disappointing thing about it is how short it is.
Hardcore Gamer
Feb 3, 2014
It’s over far too soon, but you’d be hard pressed to find many better small scope narrative role playing experiences than Consortium, and it certainly leaves you wanting more.
The Digital Fix
Jan 24, 2014
CONSORTIUM is a short adventure but with a lot of flexibility in how you can play it and with your choices and actions leading to very different stories. With fairly limited, and entirely optional combat, this is definitely a game for those looking for a good story rather than action. The game has a great cast of well-voiced characters and intriguing plots with plenty of mystery.
LEVEL (Czech Republic)
Apr 7, 2014
Summary and quote unavailable.
Jan 26, 2014
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Feb 6, 2014
The sci-fi meta-narrative, as well as the conspiracy-laced in-world narrative, are both interesting and this was the first time in a while a game has made me do some real detective work. Simply running about the ship, crawling through its underbelly, and chatting up the fully-voiced (mostly well) crew make up the bulk of Consortium.
Metro GameCentral
Jan 20, 2014
Much more than just a homage, Consortium might be rough around the edges but the dialogue system and freedom of choice rivals that of any other game. Pros: The story builds to a fascinating climax, aided by interesting and varied characters with good voice-acting.
Feb 10, 2014
Summary and quote unavailable.
Feb 13, 2014
Summary and quote unavailable.