Blue Reflection: Second Light follows Ao Hoshizaki, a girl who attends summer school for supplementary classes and becomes lost in an unknown world. She meets three girls — Kokoro Utsubo, Yuki Kinjou, and Renya Miyauchi — who have lost their memories and live in an isolated school surrounded by water. One day, a path and portal leading to another world appears and the girls decide to go through it. They eventually come across a monster and unlock a power that lets them fight back. In addition, Blue Reflection protagonist Hinako Shirai will appear in the game having also lost her memories.
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74 reviews found100
Nintendo Life
Nov 9, 2021
Blue Reflection: Second Light improves on almost every aspect of the original, with a mystery that feels more personal as the characters become closer. The relationship between the girls as they seek to discover why they were brought to this strange world is the star of the show; though the combat is fun, it is always a vehicle to get you more story rather than the driving force of the game. Second Light is a fantastic-looking anime adventure that you'll love, so long as you can accept that combat isn't the focus.
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Jan 3, 2022
Blue Reflection: Second Light is a relaxing RPG with great combat and characters that will pull you through to the ending.
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Nov 8, 2021
Blue Reflection: Second Light is a beautiful game in every way. It looks fantastic, plays great, and sounds incredible. It’s challenging, rewarding, and a unique experience through and through. It has a hopeful, positive message and the story is a fun and winding ride. The presentation is top-notch, and the game itself demonstrates what Gust has learned in the past four years from their Atelier games. For those looking for a magical girl JRPG to play, consider checking out the entire series. For fans of the original game and anime, I highly recommend Blue Reflection: Second Light. It is one of Gust’s best games to date and easily the best game in the magical girl media subgenre.
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Nov 23, 2021
While the original Blue Reflection had some notable flaws, I always hoped it would someday get a sequel, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Blue Reflection: Second Light might not be as unique in some respects, but it’s a much stronger game overall and an excellent addition to this series.
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Nov 8, 2021
While I had my issues with the ending of Blue Reflection: Second Light and didn’t feel the overarching plot was amazing, it easily won me over with its strong focus on the characters and their relationships. All those little moments stood out far more than uncovering the mystery of what happened to them. Supported by a particularly solid set of gameplay systems for a JRPG, it’s worth the purchase. BLUE REFLECTION: SECOND LIGHT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Many thanks goes to Koei Tecmo for a PlayStation 4 review code for this title. Support High-Quality And Detailed Coverage Want to support the cost of us bringing you these articles or just buy us a coffee for a job well done? Click the Ko-fi button below.
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Nov 8, 2021
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